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Front End Design

During my career as a web developer, I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of web and mobile projects. My focus has always been on creating responsive, user-friendly interfaces that provide a seamless experience for users.

I have developed a reputation as a developer who understands the importance of good design practices, content management systems, and modern CSS frameworks. As a result, clients often seek me out when they need applications that are built with these principles in mind.

Some of content management systems and modern css frameworks I've used:

bootstrap stack image


Front-end css framework for web development that provides a consistent set of styles and layout modules for building responsive, mobile-first websites.

foundation 6 image

Foundation 6

Front-end css framework that offers a range of customizable UI elements and layout tools for building intuitive web interfaces.

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Content management system (CMS) that allows users to easily create and manage websites or blogs.

sass image


Pre-processor for CSS that adds advanced features such as variables, nested rules, and mixins, which makes CSS more efficient and easier to maintain.

angular logo

A JavaScript framework for building client-side web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Angular is designed to be modular, efficient, and easy to use, and it allows developers to build complex, high-performance applications with a minimal amount of code.

Vue logo

A lightweight JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Vue allows building reusable UI components, declaratively render dynamic data, and create seamless transitions between your application's views.

Nuxtjs Logo

A JavaScript framework based on Vue.js that simplifies the development of universal or single-page Vue applications. It provides a structured way to build Vue apps, with automatic code-splitting, server-side rendering, and more. Nuxt makes it easy to create fast and flexible web apps that are optimized for search engines and perform well on all devices.